Clinical Geriatrics - Reviews
Published: 2016-09-15

Bone densitometry: current status and future trends

Department of Radiology, University of Foggia, Italy; Department of Radiology, Scientific Institute “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy
Department of Radiology, University of Foggia, Italy
Department of Radiology, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Peking University, Beijing, China
Department of Radiology, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Peking University, Beijing, China
Bone densitometry Osteoporosis Aging High resolution imaging Bone


Osteoporosis is the most important metabolic bone disease in geriatric patient and is characterized by quantitative bone deficiency with consequent increased bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures.
Diagnostic imaging has a critical role as in the diagnosis and follow-up of osteoporosis.
The aim of this review is to encompass the capabilities of the different imaging modalities for the evaluation of
bone strength, the assessment of fracture risk and the management of fragility fractures.


G. Guglielmi

Department of Radiology, University of Foggia, Italy; Department of Radiology, Scientific Institute “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy

M. Nasuto

Department of Radiology, University of Foggia, Italy

L.Y. Avery

Department of Radiology, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Peking University, Beijing, China

X. Cheng

Department of Radiology, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Peking University, Beijing, China


© Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG) , 2016

How to Cite

Guglielmi, G., Nasuto, M., Avery, L. and Cheng, X. 2016. Bone densitometry: current status and future trends. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. 64, 3 (Sep. 2016), 97-103.
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